Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Phantom Smell.....

It's Baaaacck!!!

The awful phantom smell that invades our house has once again made an appearance. But here's the kicker. I'm the only one who can smell it.

Me: "Briley, Do you smell that?"

Briley: "Bugga, bugga. EEEEEEEIIII!" He's autistic. What did you expect?

Me: "Is that a yes or a no?"

Briley: "AAAAHHHH!" Shaking his ever-present sock and jumping up and down.

Me: "Marley. Do you smell that?"

Marley hand me the remote. "Gabba Gabba!" (This means she want to watch Yo Gabba Gabba. THE COOLEST KID SHOW EVER!!!!!)

This prompts a round of diaper checking. Usually when Marley changes the subject, she's pooped. But it wasn't her and Briley hadn't smeared poop anywhere(isn't Autism fun?).

I've checked the trash. (Stinky, but not too stinky and not full enough to avoid the wrath of That Man if I put it out.) BTW That Man is what I call the hubby because he'd flip if I used his name. Wierdo. Like people can't figure out who he is.

It's not the fridge that smells. Well it smells but not like "The Phantom Funk." Oh crap, I've named it. Now it will never leave. Sort of like the "Girl Dog" who lives outside.

Okay. Time for the "Odor-ban!" (Thank you, years of ambulance experience).

Well now Briley has pooped. Great.